a saffron dessert and bread making.
I've never made bread before. But everyone keeps telling me that making bread is totally easy and there is something therapeutic about the whole process. Both parts are true. It was easy (just time consuming) and kneading the dough made me felt like I was in my own little world.
Half way through it, the construction workers decided to drill the heck out of the exterior wall of my building. I was so annoyed that I tweeted about it (yes, I wanted everyone to know about my bread making experience). Thankfully, my lovely bread dough wasn't affected by the noise and raised beautifully. And I, while kneading, was totally consumed in the whole thing that it drowned out the 'diiizzzzz diiiiizzzzzz ... silence ... silence... diiizzz diiiizzzz diiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzz ... and so on'.
I am done making the bread, ate half of it and the dizzzzz dizzzzzz is STILL going on. Thank goodness for sugary bread dough to get me through the day.
Today's flavour combo: Saffron, Orange, Hazelnut and Brown Sugar. YUM! All combined into a soft, warm and yeasty bread. Quadruple YUM!
I took it a step further. This is not your regular loaf of bread. Is made in a way that you can pull the bread apart in sheets!! Thanks to the JoyTheBaker! She is such a genius and is THE baking queen. I LOVE her blog!
The bread turned out oh-so-good! I couldn't resist and had to eat a slice right away. The top was very crunchy, with bits of nuts sticking out and crumbly brown sugar bits all caramelized & gooood. The bread was so soft and moist and when I pulled it apart, I got hit by the sweet citrusy smell of the orange zests and the warm aroma of the saffron.