
Thursday, February 17, 2011

I've Got No Game

"Look around you ... you are the only one in the group without a boyfriend". I repeated this line to myself as Victor continued to type on skype, giving me his two cents on why I am still single. "You are not active enough and you have no game".



But I appreciate the honesty.

I thought about it long and hard after my late night convo with him and I don't disagree with him. The problem, he said, is I blend into to the background very easily and I am just not that memorable. He suggested showing a little bit more passion towards the things I love. Talk about it, make a story out of what I love - food. My blog. With all that said, I still think why would anyone want to hear me blab about my blog? That's just being totally self absorbed.

I pondered some more over the idea of how "I've Got No Game" and thought back to the times on how I made my exs fall for me - all of 2 exs and random dates here and there. I've been told that a girl is totally charming and irresistible when she gets really excited talking about the things that she is passionate about. The enthusiasm shines through, her eyes sparkle and that big smile on her face, my friend, is the 'hook'. You tell your stories with confidence (in my case, a glass of wine or 2 helps), throw in a little humour, and that is sexy to a man.

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

I am not sure if I am supposed to take this quote metaphorically or what. But I am taking it literally. That's my game. It worked before, it should still work now.

1. Baking cookies makes me friends. Once I've given them cookies, they will have to call or email or the very least whatsapp me to thank me for the treats.

2. Talk about recent Europe foodie trip. He will be fascinated and in awe (and secretly impressed) that I went alone because it shows that I can take care of myself. Guys like girls who can do things by themselves - being independent wor.

3. No.2 will then lead to "you must let me try your cooking sometime" - if the guy is interested, the next date is secured.

4. Talk about food that men in general love to eat and drop hints that you know how to make them. Men love their meat & beer. Tell him about a time you made killer ribs for a friend's birthday and brought along 6 different kinds of beer/lager/ale as his birthday present. Your date will adore you.

5. Do not talk about the fancy meals that you know how to make or that you are planning to make for him if is only date no.2. Be humble. Guys scare easy. If they realize that you are going to put so much effort into making him a gourmet meal when is only date no.3, they wont't know how to handle it and will flee.

6. Not the perfect first date if your guy brings you to Dem Bones (a restaurant in yvr, famous for ribs and food that needs no utensils and you'll be wearing a bib. Sadly, it no longer exists). But if you can carry yourself throughout the date with grace while eating with your bare hands and licking your fingers and not complain, you've scored.

7. Eat real food. Enjoy that plate of food in front of you. Eat those strips of bacon. Don't pat the grease off your slice of pizza. Don't eat chicken wings with a knife and a fork. I find that if you eat what they eat, the guy will know that you feel comfortable around him. That's important.

How about that, I came up with 7 ideas to start with. Not a bad day after all.


  1. how come there isn't a reaction that's called "dik hon"... can you create one please?! you can just use the symbol -.-" hahahaa... so um... while you have to "build a bridge of chance" (where did i get that line... oh yah, from 我的野蛮女友) for that special guy, it's also all about timing... and u can't just go around falling for any guy cos you deserve someone special!! heh <3

  2. Dear Dav,

    The =.=" 'reaction button' has been added as per request.

    thank you very much for your suggestion.

  3. that was a great read! even for a guy =D good job Miss So~!

    Reminds me of that meal we had at Bridges last summer =)

  4. Haha. Thank you dear. I never know that you really do take my comment to close to heart. Good luck, and I am sure there will be plenty of fat boy chasing after you soon. LOL

  5., more cleavage and more legs don't work anymore? Heheheheh. Good tips!

  6. i m sure more cleavage and legs would totally help ... but sadly, I don't have any of those. *sigh*

    thanks for commenting Mochachocolata Rita!
